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Health benefits of oats for weight loss -

21-12-2016 à 06:43:12
Health benefits of oats for weight loss
Cooking time and texture are the only differences among the varieties. The soluble fiber in oats fills you up by creating gels. They are tops in protein and manganese, providing 50 percent of the recommended intake for this mineral. Similarly exciting results have been seen in people with diabetes and those with high-normal blood-sugar levels. It is a power house of vitamins, proteins, minerals, amino acids, and essential fatty acids and if you are not having it then you are surely missing out on a tasty way to good health. Oats is a complete food that is not only well balanced but also great to taste. A whole grain full of fiber, oats pack plenty of punch. The gels delay stomach emptying, so you feel full longer, which helps with weight loss. In addition, the helpful phytochemicals called Lignans present in oats keep the heart healthy. Whole oats (rolled or steel-cut) contain the bran along with the rest of the oat kernel. Oats is also a rich source of Tocotrienols that affect cholesterol synthesis and reduces cholesterol in blood. The antioxidants found in oats blocks the harmful toxins also known as free radicals from mingling with the DNA cells that can lead to cancer. Oat bran contains the same nutrients and fiber found in whole oats but they are more concentrated. The bran of the oat grain is the outer layer of the oat kernel, where much of the fiber and many of the nutrients reside. What better way to kick-start the day than with a bowl full of oats.

Some people with diabetes who followed a diet high in soluble fiber from sources like oats and beans have been able to reduce their medication. In addition, they offer an unusual amount of iron, thiamin, and magnesium. Oats fill the bill when it comes to reducing hunger and keeping you on your diet plan. Another study showed that in certain individuals, oat bran can be as effective as, and certainly much less expensive as, medication in curbing elevated blood-cholesterol levels. Research shows that eating a bowl of oatmeal each day reduces the general cholesterol level in blood by nearly 20%. The high fiber content of oats helps cut the risk of colorectal cancer and the lignans-enterolactone in particular protects against hormone related cancers such as, prostate cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer. The soluble fiber in oats means slower digestion, spreading the rise in blood sugar over a longer time period. Oats is packed with dietary fibers and minerals such as Manganese, Thiamin, Magnesium and Phosphorous. Whole grains are beneficial not just because of their fiber, but also because they contain a variety of minerals and phytonutrients. But a daily serving of oats rich in soluble and half soluble fibers helps reduce hypertension, high blood pressure and also the intake of anti-hypertensive medicines. On average, eating three grams of soluble (not total) fiber a day (the amount in two bowls of oatmeal or one cup of cooked oat bran) reduced cholesterol by six points in three months. Those who ate the most oat bran benefited the most. Although, high blood pressure itself has no symptoms, but it can lead to serious damage of the heart, arteries and blood vessels and lead to various other serious complications. Considered one of the healthiest foods on earth, it has high nutrition value. Study shows that oatmeal contains a unique antioxidant named Avenanthramides that prevents the harmful free radicals from affecting the HDL levels in blood, thereby reducing the risk of coronary heart disease. Being very low in saturated fats, sodium and cholesterol it is very low in calorie and helps in weight loss and maintenance of optimum health.

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Health benefits of oats for weight loss
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